Housing for all
Not just speculators

It’s time to fight back against speculators
Graph showing Canada's housing bubble

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Take a stand for housing for all

Housing costs have skyrocketed in Canada – disproportionately affecting the youngest and poorest Canadians who are already economically vulnerable.  It’s time to take action against speculators and investors who inflate the values of Canadian homes.  Homes are for living, not speculating.

Housing is a human right

Housing for Canadians, not speculators
It's time to take action

Speak Out

Housing is scarce and expensive. Renters face high rents and housing insecurity. First-time homebuyers are desperate to get into the market before prices skyrocket further. Long-time homeowners wonder where their kids are going.


There’s no single cause for the housing crisis and there’s no single solution. All levels of government must implement policies that reduce demand and increase supply, such as:

  • discourage speculators from buying residences as investments,
  • penalize home flipping,
  • reduce foreign speculation on homes,
  • tax vacant and underutilized properties,
  • make more residential properties available,
  • encourage construction of higher density housing.

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